Monday, August 5, 2019

Happy New Brunswick Day

It is packing day. The girls are still sleeping hopefully resting up for the travel ahead. A couple of people have commented that they read between the lines of my last few blog entries and sensed my exhaustion.Today as I scour the house to find everything the girls need to pack I will think of the last five weeks; the fun, the laughter, the road trips ; the memories and I will think of the gift I've had in getting to know my granddaughters at the age and stage they are now living. I will also think of the exhaustion, some of it coming simply from being busy , from keeping up with a ten year old and an almost eight year old. Part of it though is the energy given to being the grandmother I need to be to be, to love, encourage and manage two unique people thrown into a family and into our lives for five weeks. I have often been accused of being a control freak, a bit too strong of an assessment I think but I do know I often have to remind myself that things are not in my control. But as the grandmother I have the job of guiding and directing of managing and defusing when no parent is nearby. This job seems overwhelming sometimes and I think this is what exhausts me the most.No reading between the lines there. I am one tired Monkey. One grandparent told me yesterday that he is exhausted after five hours with grandchildren let alone five weeks. I know all this on this another New Brunswick day when I have to get my girls ready to go back to Alberta. I love this time together and I love getting my quiet life back. I love the things we have done together and the deeper connection we have made having another July together. I love my girls unique personalities and am thrilled I have gotten to know them even better. For all our ups and downs I know the love and attachment is strong. Contrary to Emma's angry declaration I know I will be invited to her wedding and look forward to being her special Monkey on that day. No rush for that day though. No rush for this day to be over either.Today their laughter, their chatter, their presence fills this house and the void they will leave will be felt by Monkey and Toad ; who this year have morphed into Monkco and Grampo. The sun shines , the lake awaits and this day is ours to enjoy. For that I am thankful .

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