Monday, December 9, 2019

I Love Mondays !

Oh boy I love Mondays. I have said this before but it bears repeating. I am a lucky duck! For as long as I can remember I dreamed of being a writer, of writing.I chased other dreams , becoming a teacher and a mother to four and tried to squeeze writing in. Years went by and life happened and for all of it I am grateful but on this day, this Monday I get to write. For ten years I have been a full time writer, putting writing first and fitting other things in.I have the time to write and I appreciate that every time I sit down in my office. I can of course fit in other responsibilities. I can take a long bath, go for a wood road walk or have an afternoon nap. I can take days off and clean my house, visit friends and family, go shopping,or do nothing. I can fit in Writer in the School visits and other writing related engagements. I can write on this blog which might sometimes seem like stalling or avoiding.But with all of that writing gets done. In my bath this morning I was given direction for the next chapter. I discovered more of a character's back story. And in the midst of it all I began to form this entry in my mind. My current work is a story about a writing retreat. Ten writers with dreams and aspirations, with sorrows and yearnings, with different pasts and challenges , but all with a need to write, gather for a writing retreat and a story unfolds. And in them all I recognize myself. So often writers battle with finding time, with claiming their need to write and with the struggle to make the writing happen. So I need to celebrate the fact that I have the privilege of writing. On Monday mornings I show up and the writing happens. Eight published books sit on my shelf and I will soon begin the editing work which will add the ninth to my living room bookends.And in all that I say to every writer out there, no matter where you are in your career, just write and be thankful for the day and the stories you are given.


  1. ...and I love Mondays because I get to think about your aptly put topics on this blog and I get to see the picture of Lev and Iva that sits on the shelf. They were two people who had a distinct positive influence on my life!
