Summer has drifted into Autumn as quickly as the sun sets or the puddles dry up. Our lives are lived day by day but the seasons sweep us up and carry us along at such a pace. This morning I got back out on the front veranda for my coffee and journal time and to spend a few minutes reading the days of July. In preparation for Hurricane Teddy I had taken off the cushions moved the furniture against the wall, taken the hanging baskets down and while doing all that I wondered if my veranda time was over for this year. But this morning I put the cushions back out and rehung the fuchsias which are still growing and blossoming. Summer is over and the colors of fall are increasing. On Saturday it will be two years since Mom left us and on yesterday's walk I felt that loss deep in my soul along with the days of decline last September gave to Dad. The way the slant of the sun, the temperature of the air and the essence of a season can conjure up memory is astounding. Without even being aware you suddenly realize your soul is processing the deep emotion that is usually stored away. Instantly you can be right back to the moments of the past that challenged and stretched your emotional resilience. This morning as I wrote in my journal I wrote " Fill my basket with gratitude" as a deliberate effort to put my blessings in the forefront on this beautiful gift of a day. So that I will do; my health, the health and well being of my family, the friendship and support of my loved ones, my five wonderful grandchildren, my home and place, my work, memories and the love of the people who have gone before me, food, clean water, and so on and so on. And I am grateful for the moments I spent back on my front veranda looking out at my peaceful ,imperfect, beautiful farm on this another September day I have been given.

Thursday, September 24, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Waves of Sadness and Loss
On this Tuesday morning my mind and heart grapple with the sadness and loss of the weekend just passed. Judy a vibrant, smiling, happy and loving wife, mother, grandmother, friend and colleague went to bed Saturday night not knowing her life would end the next day. Shock , disbelief and fear hit us like a huge wave and bring us to our knees reminding us of the fragility of all our lives. I can not even imagine what her family and close friends are going through as they come to terms with this cruel reality. To never see her smile or hear her voice , to never have her arms reach to cradle her precious grandchildren, to never hear her laugh around the fire or feel her welcome greeting when you enter her home. My heart breaks for Gerald her loving husband , a team that showed how blending a family is done. Her co-workers are mourning her loss and feeling the emptiness she leaves at her workplace. Her friends are lost and devastated.Everyone who knew her has lost something in her passing.Her beautiful daughters who carry her smile and her warm and caring ways must find their way without her. Her handsome son must carry on without her at his side. Shock and disbelief that she is gone is what we all have in common. Three young men gone leaving their families and friends reeling from that tragic truth . Three young men gone and reminding every parent of the terror a Saturday night can bring. Three young men gone and this mother's heart knows the pain and the terrible truth of just how tragic that is.The terrible loss that their community is facing is a truth the family will never forget , never move on from , never stop feeling to their very core.The first hours days and weeks will be so excruciating and they will somehow find their way through. Then each family will embark on the life long task of living without Ty, Kobe and Denver. And two men drove off the end of a ferry into deep water. The circumstances or reasons will probably never be known but they will leave behind those who loved them and mourn for them. Sadness and loss make up the fabric of our lives and touch us all. The losses of this past weekend are only a wave in the vast sea of sadness and losses people deal with every day. No easy way to come and go from this life.No easy way.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
A Very Different Year
First day of school. I felt it in my bones in the early morning, I felt it as I went to bed last night, I felt it talking to Jenna as she told me about her first week back and the week ahead, I felt it in Emma's thoughts of the outfit she will wear tomorrow and her distress at thoughts of getting up so early. My FB feed this morning is full of first day photos and I recall welcoming excited kids over the years. On the Current this morning a piece entitled A Very Different Year followed three kids and two families into the classroom on their first day of school. My grand kids don't go until tomorrow as their last names fall in the second half of the alphabet. That alone is one indication of it being a very different year. Masks and hand sanitizer, bubbles and social distancing have all become part of the norm and certainly the lingo in classrooms all over the country. On top of all that Meg's girls have a brand new school and unfamiliar classmates to deal with. Paige can often be heard saying" Just deal with it" and I am sure they will do just that. Tomorrow Grampie and I will try to be present as our grandchildren get on their buses and head off to another school year into grade two, grade three, grade four, grade six and grade ten. I can't help but be thankful that I am not in the classroom this year but do feel a twinge of sadness and nostalgia for all the first days I was a part of. I wish the kids , the parents, the teachers, principals, bus drivers and custodians all the best. Be kind, have fun and do your best!
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Another Chapter
It is the second crisp ,clear, beautiful day of September. I have always loved this month and all the changes and challenges it brings. Thirty five years ago I was anticipating the birth of my third child. He had a seven year old brother and a three year old sister waiting anxiously to welcome him. Instead of the classroom that fall I had the privilege of being home with my precious little family. Those memories are strong and I feel them reverberate in the fresh fall like air I breathe on this day. I now have five grandchildren to watch as they burst with excitement, and nervousness at the days ahead. Emma and Paige both beamed with happiness as they modeled each back to school outfit for their Monkey and Toad. We have had an amazing August with Meg's girls. What a gift knowing that even though they left last night to go to their temporary home for the next two months they are five minutes instead of five provinces away. But I am back to work and I feel what I have every other summer when I see them go. I feel such gratitude for having had the time with them but such freedom as I get my life back. Now we find our way through the new normal and the challenges ahead. I have not been in the lake since Friday letting the cool air stop me but I will get back in today as I am not ready to let my lake go yet. As I begin my work day and take a few minutes to write this blog entry I let the summer of 2020 sink in . I watch that thirty five year old boy father his precious children and be an amazing uncle and I fill with pride and thankfulness. My eyes well up with tears at the changes and sorrows but my heart expands with joy and gratitude. I watch my granddaughter getting geared up for grade four knowing the teacher to greet her is not me, but the grandmother who will meet the bus at the end of the day is who I get to be this September.